Laptop and Desktop Yearly Maintenance Service

Our Laptop and Desktop Yearly Maintenance AMC Service aims to provide you with hassle-free, comprehensive support for your devices.

Why Choose MKBP

Laptop and Desktop Yearly Maintenance AMC Service

Expert Technicians

Our team consists of highly skilled and certified technicians who have extensive experience in handling laptops and desktops from various brands. They are well-equipped to diagnose and resolve any hardware or software issues efficiently.

Comprehensive Maintenance

Our yearly AMC service covers a wide range of maintenance tasks, including cleaning, dusting, and optimizing the internal components of your devices. We conduct thorough hardware inspections, replace faulty parts if necessary, and update software to ensure peak performance.

Regular Updates and Security Patches

We understand the significance of keeping your devices up to date with the latest software versions and security patches. Our AMC service includes regular updates and installations of essential software upgrades, providing enhanced security and improved functionality.

Timely Repairs

In the unfortunate event of a hardware failure or any other issue, our AMC service ensures prompt repair or replacement of faulty components. Our technicians prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to minimize downtime, allowing you to get back to work without delays.

Extended Lifespan

Regular maintenance significantly contributes to extending the lifespan of your laptops and desktops. With our AMC service, you can enhance the longevity of your devices, maximize their performance, and avoid costly replacements in the long run.

Priority Service

As an AMC customer, you receive priority service over non-contract customers. Your requests are given the highest priority, and our team ensures that your devices are serviced promptly, reducing any inconvenience caused by technical issues.

Smooth & Uninterrupted Performance

At MKBP Services, we understand the importance of keeping your laptops and desktops in top condition for smooth and uninterrupted performance. 

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Optimal Functionality & Longevity

Our Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) Service is designed to provide comprehensive maintenance and support for your devices throughout the year, ensuring optimal functionality and longevity.

How it works?

Here's how our Laptop and Desktop Yearly Maintenance AMC Service at MKBP Services works:


Initial Assessment

Our technicians evaluate your devices and recommend maintenance or repairs.


Service Agreement

We provide a comprehensive service agreement with the scope, duration, and cost of the AMC service.


Contract Sign-up

Sign up for the Yearly Maintenance AMC Service by completing paperwork and paying the annual fee.


Scheduled Maintenance Visits

Regular visits for cleaning, inspections, and software updates.


On-Demand Support

Get prompt assistance for any laptop or desktop issues.


Repairs and Component Replacement

Timely repairs and replacement of faulty components.


Priority Service and Customer Support

Enjoy priority service and dedicated customer support.


Service Renewal

Option to renew the AMC service for another year.

Entrust your maintenance needs to us

Contact us today to get started with our AMC service and enjoy uninterrupted performance from your devices.